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Creative Process

Yearlong | Ago 2022 - Dic 2022

This workshop is designed for all those who want or are developing a project, where the proposal will be to go through the instances that make it up, from the concept, its materiality, the context and the narrative.

The objective is to broaden the horizon from which a project is conceived and carried out, to be nourished by new perspectives and works by authors, and to give space to a wide creative universe, without limiting it to one medium or any discipline.

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Dimensions of Now I

Tilcara | Agosto 2022

Dimension of now take place in places where the presence of nature is at its best. 

We will learn from techniques developed in the artistic field (sound art, images formulation, site specific works), complementing them with the wisdom of philosophies and practices from monks, sages, and masters from the East and West.

We will seek to consider new ways of perceiving the world, combining creative proceses with exercises that help us enter the dimension of the present to understand what we are experiencing, what we want to convey, and what we are. .


Dimensions of Now II

Tilcara | Noviembre 2022

Dimension of now take place in places where the presence of nature is at its best. 

We will learn from techniques developed in the artistic field (sound art, images formulation, site specific works), complementing them with the wisdom of philosophies and practices from monks, sages, and masters from the East and West.

We will seek to consider new ways of perceiving the world, combining creative proceses with exercises that help us enter the dimension of the present to understand what we are experiencing, what we want to convey, and what we are. .

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